Tag: home care

Winterize Your Home In 4 Simple Steps: Plumbing Edition

    The changing of seasons, for most, signals that it’s time to flock South for the winter to avoid the cold winter weather here in the Canadian Rockies – unless you are like us, who wait year-round for the snow to cover the mountain tops. If that’s the case, you’re probably packing up your things […]

Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter

When temperatures plummet below zero, the risk of frozen pipes increases. In fact, frozen pipes are one of  the most common causes of home damage during cold weather months and can cause thousands of dollars in water damage!  At Cascade Mechanical, we have created a list of a few tips to prevent your pipes from […]

4 Ways To Cut Back On Your Water Bill This Summer

Do you ever notice that when the weather temperatures rise, so does your water bill? – far from ideal when trying to cut back costs. Don’t worry, this is a lot more common than you think. What if we told you that you could cut back on your water bill by 30% if you start […]

5 Tips to Save Money on Your Plumbing

Looking to save some money? Home plumbing tweaks might be the way to do so! Extra cash can be difficult to come by, while many of us sit at home and ponder get-rich-quick schemes, it’s often small adjustments that add up to the biggest savings. Instead of starting a side business and sinking more money […]

Top 5 Ways to Increase Humidity in the Winter

Throughout the colder, winter months, natural humidity levels drop significantly. In Alberta, we are particularly prone to that lack of humidity and this can leave our homes as well as our skin, hair, and nails feeling very dry. Increasing the humidity in your home has many benefits for comfort, health, and even cleanliness. Luckily, there […]