plumbing leaks faucet

Plumbing Leaks in Your Home – Causes and Solutions

Plumbing leaks come in all shapes and sizes. When looking at plumbing leaks specific to your home plumbing fixtures, the most common are plumbing leaks relating to your toilets and faucets. Plumbing leaks are no joke and can not only jack up the cost of your water bill, but also cause damage to your home. 

plumbing leaks faucet

Water hardness and pressure are also major causes of leaks throughout your home, especially here in the Canadian Rockies. Installing softeners not only helps prolong the life of all water fixtures throughout your home but also help for skin and hair care. If the incoming water pressure in your home is too high it will cause unnecessary stress on your water lines and fixtures which lowers the life expectancy.

What are the common causes of plumbing leaks in the ceiling?

  • Unsuitable sealing of trim plates
  • Poor caulking in and around the tile of the tub/ shower in the upstairs bathrooms
  • Defective faucet or tub spout

The most common leak issue is faulty waterproofing in the upper floor bathrooms.

plumbing leaks bathroom

New technology actually allows us to monitor our water usage and detect leaks for us using water sensors and special technology which can even be linked to our cell phones allowing easy access from anywhere around the world even if you aren’t at home. This is why at Cascade Mechanical, we have partnered with Moen™ Flo to become the choice retailer in Canmore and the Bow Valley. 

With the Moen™ Flo, you can ensure plumbing leaks are detected quickly in your home, minimizing the damage. Additionally, it is extremely important that the first step is to find the source of the leak and ensure its location is correctly identified. The last thing you want to do is spend money on an unnecessary repair which could have been avoided in the first place.

How will the Moen Flo help protect my home from plumbing leaks?

stop plumbing leaks Moen Flo

Flo by Moen™ is a state-of-the-art smart home water security system that helps to protect your home from water damage and plumbing leaks around the clock. The Moen™ Flo’s Smart Water Shutoff is a system that monitors your entire water system for plumbing leaks, and the Smart Water Detector system senses plumbing leaks and moisture outside of your pipes. Installing a Flo by Moen™ system in your home is one of the best ways to ensure your home is protected from plumbing leaks and water damage. In the Bow Valley, we are no stranger to flooding. Flo by Moen™ is a system that can help detect problems before they become major issues, affecting the integrity of your home. This new system by Moen™ is one of the best advancements we have seen and we are eager to set up our clients for success with this great system. 

Cascade Mechanical is a plumbing and HVAC company based in Canmore, Alberta, Canada servicing the entire Bow Valley with round-the-clock availability to help with all of your plumbing and HVAC needs.

You can reach us any time at (403) 679-1983 or via our website.